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Начало » 2015 » Декември » 14 » My school
My school

Hi! My name is Leydis and I am twelve years old, so I’m in class 6D. The name of my school is Prof. N.Marinov Secondary School. I study at it because my friends are here and the teachers are nice and friendly. My favourite subjects are Art, English, Russian and Physical Education but I don’t like Maths so much.

Two years ago the rooms on the third floor were renovated. Each room has got a unique name, for example – London, Bulgaria, Rome, Chicago, etc. My school has got a library, a cafeteria, a Cyber Centre, IT laboratories and two gyms. We often use interactive whiteboards or tablets during the lessons. We also learn different languages – English, Russian, German and Chinese. Pupils usually play football, basketball and volleyball on the sports grounds around the school.

Most of the students continue to study at universities in Bulgaria or abroad and have successful careers!

Leydis Reihanova 6th D class

Категории: Чужди езици | Views: 677 | Добавено от: Rebi | Rating: 0.0/0
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