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Начало » 2015 » Декември » 14 » My school
My school

Hi! I’m Gyuliz! I’m twelve and I’m a student at Prof.N.Marinov Secondary School. I have studied here for six years. In the past, the school was like every other in the town – wooden chairs and tables, and boring rooms. Two years ago the third floor was changed. Now there are seven classrooms with different names, themes and styles. The modern desks, chairs and lockers are suitable for the theme of the room. In each room there is an original wallpaper that fits the theme, too. The most exciting thing in these rooms are the tablets. They are an interesting and different way to learn lessons. In the corridors there are portraits of famous people and their popular phrases.

Our school offers its students different subjects. You can choose what you want to study – Music, Art, Choreography or Languages.

Whatever you choose, you will be proud, that you are a part of our great school!

Gyuliz Hasanova 6th D class

Категории: Чужди езици | Views: 643 | Добавено от: Rebi | Rating: 0.0/0
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