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Начало » 2015 » Декември » 14 » My school
My school

Hi! I’m Alexandra and I’m a student at Professor Nikola Marinov Secondary School. I like this school because here students can study a lot of interesting subjects like Music, Art, Information Technology, Choreography and many more. I have classes on the third floor, but there are four floors. Two years ago the walls were painted by the art teachers and students. It’s amazing! Every room on the third floor was also designed as a different famous city. For example, our classroom is called “New York” and my friends’ classroom is called “Rome”. There are huge posters of the world’s famous cities, so you can imagine that you are there.

There are many facilities that I like a lot. In the foyer there is a big plasma and some armchairs. In some classes we work on tablets. We do exercises on them or look for information on the net. We have two gyms – the small one and the big one. In the yard there are two playgrounds and a basketball field. We have a rehearsal room, too. Near the school there are some fast-food restaurants, cafes and shops. Inside the school there is a canteen.

Isn’t it awesome?!

Alexandra Dimitrova 5th D class

Категории: Чужди езици | Views: 774 | Добавено от: Rebi | Rating: 0.0/0
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