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Начало » 2015 » Декември » 14 » My school
My school

I’m from a comparatively small town in the north-east of Bulgaria – Targovishte. We don’t have universities or colleges, and unemployment is high. Therefore many people, who have finished their secondary education, decide to leave the town and to improve themselves somewhere else. The bad thing is that recently not only students but more young pupils, such as eighth graders, decide they want to leave. However, I have decided to continue my education here. I have been in the same school– Professor Nikola Marinov Secondary School – since first grade and I intend to finish it.

My school is the largest and the most prestigious in the town. In it there are a lot of students and each of them is special. That’s why the school has many activities and everyone can express themselves in what they want - painting, singing, folk dancing and many other activities. If we wish, we can enroll in a club, too. Because clubs are relieving and a good way to spend free time.

Another advantage of my school are its amazing teachers. When I don’t understand something they always devote their time to explain it to me. They always encourage me to participate in different competitions and olympiads.

I love my school because except knowledge I get something else - friendship and support not only from my friends, but from my teachers, too.

Nevena Andonova 8th C

Категории: Чужди езици | Views: 851 | Добавено от: Rebi | Rating: 1.0/1
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